Company Incorporation & Administration

Choosing the form of entity of your business (e.g. sole proprietor, limited liability company…) is a crucial decision that can have longstanding tax implications, positive or negative. We can assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type to help you determine the most advantageous form of business for your company.

When selecting a business entity, it’s important to understand your options and the benefits of each entity. Our experienced professionals provide clear instructions and guidance about the pros and cons of each entity type and jurisdiction while handling every step of the process in the most effective way.

Registration process in 9 easy steps:
  1. Come up with your preferred name. We check if it is available with the Registrar.
  2. Provide required documents for the shareholders and directors of the company.
  3. We draft the M&A, collect all documents and submit them to the Registrar.
  4. We manage the registration process with the registrar at your absence.
  5. We collect all company documents and send them to you electronically or via courier.
  6. We register your company with the Tax authorities and obtain a tax identification number (TIC).
  7. We register the company with the VAT authorities for a VAT number (if required).
  8. We register the company with Social Insurance (if required).
  9. You start running your successful business and collecting your tax-free dividends!